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Warning against “Palarell Running Deadly Crisises”(Clmate,Virus,and Economy).

2020/07/05:Economy would not really recover so long as the virus is riotting,which can be intercepted only by All People Testing.

Economy once having largely declined would not recover due to positive feedback between demand and supply.

The virus was caused by the climate having become wild and now heading global foods product collapse.

It is fatal enough for the established regime and has possibility of REVOLUTION<the virus is vaccine for this !!>.

Note our imminet crisis is also decisive chance to accomplish really healthy,but tough life by Global Unite with TRUTH.

E73(2019/07/21):Rapid Launching Climate Engineering could Save the World !!

E72(2019/07/08):Weapons for Climate War are Possible in Technology,but not in Politics

E71(2019/07/02,06,07,8/1):Blocking Nares Strait Gate to Intercept Methane Catastrophe

This finding may be also your surprise to defeat Arctic Desperate the Methane Catastrophe.

Off Nares Strait(width=20Km)ocean current could drastically turn Arctic heat budget debt=+4W/m^2 to -10W/m^2.

Heat Debt=+4W/m^2→|10W/m^2D

Gate Building 20Km lenghth-depth 150~300m may be possible by remote controlling power shovel with ultrasonic monitoring camera.

E80(2020/05/9,10,11,16,6/6)FWe Could Win Virus by Testing All Nation People in!! a short Time & Expense.

In fact,Wuhan China had really executed 10million people testing by 20days with cost about 12$.

If we could have tested all 100million nation people by possible times and cost,we could win ! !,

which by at once can determine Negative Healthy People for coming back business,and Positive Patients for isolating and medical treatment.

E83(2020/05/31)FAll People Testing & Basic Income Are Decisive to Tackle against Corona.

75(2011/4/15,2017/4/25,27)F.Proof on God

This is tnothing is entirely everything at all the upsidown !!!.This mechanism is to reveal paranormality mechanism.

BP63(2009/12/25,2017/6/9,10) FScientifical Mechanism of "Prophecy" by Paranormality.

Prophecy’(revelation)by paranormal ability is real,of which validity is explained

The other world is almighty one,, mentioned in Proof on God.

In the beginning is God 's teaching to messenger the twin gohst in the other world.

The message is to revelated to messenger the one of twin in this world.

Message transfer is resonance between the twin of the other world and this one.

Notification!!::the most recent of file of this page was destroyed and missing !!

Author can not find those massive fies in the backup hard disk.It is terrible crimes by the miserable agents of CIA-mlitary in Japan(2024/10/11).

Such troubles are not rare,but has been continuing for these 20 years long or more .Most of troubles in author is due to US military in Yokosuka city.

Goverment Japan has been nothing working against such American crimes in Japan due to the illegal status tretaty between US and Japan.

Thereby the ugly America needs such ill and inability president with irresiponsible subordinates also in order to operate the unprededented hell in Gaza and Ukrine,so on.

The stolen files can be recovered by them the US government's order to Japan government !!!.

The destroyed Gaza can be recovered by them the rapid US government's order to Israel government !!!.

*Author with mild parkinson's disease now has been facing many iminent tasks ,thereby the recovering would take times,.if nothing support.

E116(2022/10/16)FWe-must-Concentrate-Accusing-on-the-1st- Cause-the-NAZIS-USA.

Israel has become NAZIS,while Palestinian Jew the once persecuted.

<<All the evils are caused by the reincarnated NAZIS USA>>.2024/10/16.

Only USA can intercept Gaza massacre,because both Ukraine and Gaza now were

caused by USA in order to establish chaotic distopia world toward coming climate catastrophe.

Now the world had turned upside down world<injustice,lie,and hatred>.

E115(2022/07/05)FThe Wicked Spirit in Highest Place in the Upside Down Deadly Fake World !

The war is too serious for destiny of Ukrainians,Russians,and their neighbourors,but

Don’t spare precious times of now for the details of Ukraine war,but,by anyhow,only

the rapid truce of the Ukraine war is decisive to return normal position for attacking

against the real imminent wars of {CLIMATE,Covid,Foods,and Financial Warsp.

E114(2022/06/06)FUrgent Task of World Military in the Operation EndGame Times.

Really necessary war is entirely not the strong fake and decadent Ukraine war,but ESAS the mass destructive Methane bomb and the Ocean seawater Temperature now both causing coming our EXTINCTION.Also the vast area of deserts has been waiting the Greenization by holistic agriculture.In order to rapidly cease Ukraine war,the unifield exposing deadly fake is decisive to turn the upside down world ruled by NWO=NAZIS USA !!!.

E113(2022/05/19)FA Possible Worst Case Time Series toward Glolal Extinction

Wake up still idiot people and their politician.No more good yesterdays,

but recognize coming awful days hereafter !!,Now we must just face coming days of opting do or die !!

E112(2022/05/08)FHaving Allowed Fake Election would Cause No Revolution !

This is almost the same version of E111,but except APPENDIX_2

APPENDIX_2FWhy Massive Us Have Been Being Defeated ?!!!

He will win whose army is activated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks....Sun Tzu

Surveying the evil root(=SR)never fail to find NAZIS USA. SR in USA finds Rockefeller with CIA

-military industry complex. Armed struggle never win,but Global Unty Intelligence could win !.

Thereby mass destructive weapon Covid and that of fake Ukraine war were launched by USA


E111(2022/05/03)FThe Fake France Presidential Election?!!

A tough close battle was predicted in before the voting,and actual not final counting showed Le Pen leading.

However the result was Too Much Winning of Macron???,There was a suspicious TV blackout time with counting loss.

Pro Le Pen demanded the re-verification,but it turned to be correct ???.

Macron presidency’s brutal deeds had made people hated him.,so the fact was not winning Macron.

We were deceived mass media prediction on his large winning possibility.

Also at this time is deadly fake, which has been ruling on in the world since

the so called religious radical cult attacks in Japan(Aum sarin) and USA(=9/11,2001)..

E110(2022/05/01)FTrust Building Engineering

author's question :-professor ES, isn't it possible only by being ultimate sincere (by providing the truth?),

-----------------------as is told in your supreme skill of business.

answer from ES professor: ........... Somehow control the illegal gangsters in dark blue uniforms ! ,

E109(2022/04/30)FClimate the Emergency Surgery_It is still possible by employing drastic way?!

E108(2022/04/18,19)FBiden-Zelensky_Putin Are All Agent Friends in invisible NWO

Media in West are Deceiving Nation People to Keep Lasting the Fake War.

Exposing all the evils with disasters are caused from ill will USA NAZIS reincarnated,,

is to turn the upside down world!!,or all of you would be extincted in coming hell.

2022/03/19:APPENDIX-1:The Extinction Generation must urge the Responsible Scientist(Covid & Climate=CC).

E107(2022/04/16)FNow World Rulers_German & Jew_Elites in the Despair .

Both their myth(the Holy Bible and the Nordic Myth) commonly foretold World End with fire ball earth

and is true also in science. They have been ruling the world with intelligence and wealth power.

Due to their historical severe conflict, they seem terribly too damaged to recover the righteous world,

and invisibly strong despair. Thereby,by independent from them, the 3rd party must be launched

toward rapid establishing global saving regime.

E106(2022/04/16)FThe Cause of “Covid & the Ukraine War “were Climate Worsening.

Busy as usual major people will not think of drastic awful change of life hereafter.

While nervous Top Elites had been surveying coming risk causing own regime collapse.

The coming fatal risk can not allow to neglect,but need to hide against global busy people.

Their decisive conclusion had executed the unprecedented conspired global disasters.

E105(2022/03/07,08,09,11,20,22,4/4,7)FAfter all, Russia & Ukraine both together collapsed to confusion in poverty.


The title must be corrected,because Russian will not become poverty,but now is getting a bubbling profit.

The topics is upside down in recent that of strong sanction against Russia by the West ally,

It is the ally who would become poorer,while few rich in USA and Russia will not,that is ,

both being against with each other are secret ally.Hereupon following supreme essential main theme is invariant.

If the world was in peace,what is the highest priority risk problem ?!,

All is due to worsened climate caused by fatal failure of OIL.

Now we have been heading toward Arctic Methane Extinction about before 2040.

Both Nazis USA(-COVID)& Ukraine-Russia now has been playing global somke screen to hide it.

2022/03/08:APPENDIX_3:Ill wll versus Healthy one in the UPSIDE DOWN WORLD.

2022/03/08:APPENDIX_4:Hide Covid vaccine side effects now revealing another awful aspects.


2022/03/09:APPENDIX_6:Both together Zelensky & Putin are secret West agents ?!!

2022/03/20:APPENDIX_7:Russians could cease fire by Coup D'etat against Putin?!

<<Now the unprecedented crisis time is also chace time happening

of Not only revolution in Russia,but Also in the World ?!!!>>

2022/03/20:APPENDIX_8:Destroying Russian would cause Climate Desperate.!!

2022/04/04:APPENDIX_9:ILL Will Smoke Screen in the Corrupting World.

<”West vs Russiais entirely fake scheme,but their evil top are friends>

E104(2022/02/10)FGrowing Electric Power by Tesla Tornado Circuit.


E103(2021/11/10)FThe Most Stupidity in All Universe History_Arctic Methane Catastrophe Risk at now !

Reality is the master.Reality is not likely to bend over to charismatic promises, programs

and ideology. -Peter Drucker.

[‚P]:UN IPCC-COP1~26 has been being not likely to disclose the most risk in climate task.

[‚Q]:Climate Wartime General(President)the conscience autocrat ruling.

E102(2021/10/29)FParis Agreement and COP26 in UK

The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

E101(2021/10/14)FThe Decisive Cause of Difficulty in Launching Global Climate Wartime Regime

Your Business(Life)as Usual

Nothing Effective Action and Implementation against rapid Climate Worsening.

In anywars in the past,there were no possibility of global mass extinctiion,while only climate is entirely not ,

thereby Climate Wartime Regime with GHQ is inevitable !!!,

*GHQ=General Head Quater managing and watching global climate operation,

In facing climate actual policy,you would be hesitate,because it is too big to solve.

However,for example,100%? renewable energy home life is realizable by solar & wind power .

Your government now will not tell truth and not save you in Climate(Covid)hell,

thereby,it is all of You united with a Truth who order government to act.

<Actual Democracy aiming All People Surviving>.

Once people recognized supreme cisis,they would do their best. Bet it !!!

E102(2021/10/16,17)FCompensation Petition on Making Needless of 12B$ SSC(1993)

to Concerned Scientist Org,American Physical Society,and Biden Presidency.

Once author had made of no use 12billion $ elementary particle experiment faculty in Texas USA.

The construction was aborted(1993 Autumn)in the half completion with spent 2b$,then they lied the reason due to financial difficulty.While author turned to terribly poverty due to the compensation petition to USA on the copy right invasion on elementary particle theory(1993 Spring)........................A bit learning science(LOGIC)might turn your Political Action against imminent deadly threat of Covid and Climate Collapse now heading toward global extinction,

Then the kernel concept is that a Truth is Realization or Realizability,while lie and deception are not.

Thereby a decisive key to win is global Unite with a Truth.

2021/10/17:APPENDIX_3:Political Multiple Division and Completeness Theorem

E101(2021/9/9)FWe Had Better Once Die and then Reincarnate Someone New.

If you know your enemy and yourself,even a hudred battle become not danger”-Sun Tzu

If you still could not cut off sweet past memory, it would cause you awful future.After all,

overwhelming mass of you & me would be killed by the wicked spirit in high place the very few.

It is outrageous stupidity of us.Once we=past must die and then reincarnate someone new.

E100(2021/8/26,9/9)FTrojan Covid Virus Incubation Time was Revealed< 3 to 4 months??>.

From the experience of Israel and the United States, it is estimated that it will start 3 to 4 months

after the maximum date of vaccination.

Urgent test and Drug cure is essential for hidden positive vaccinated !!

E99(2021/8/19)FVisible Mechanism of Immunity Failure by Trojan Covid Virus

Infectio Rise with (incomplete)Vaccination Rise are a co-body,which is fatal at now and also coming awful time

of massive immune collapse patients(AIDS=HIV)in the world !!!!

E98(2021/8/17,18)FIn fact,the world at now has been in midst of Pseudo World War.

Possible most effective and acceptable way for attacking the wars

(Covid & Climate now heading global extinction)and

saving minimum life of all people@may be accepting wartime regime.

It may be strongly depend on deadly truth declaration of the concerned Scientists.


E97(2021/8/13)FCovid don’t directly kill infected cell,but proliferate in it by damaging it

<cytopathic→causing visible(or less visible)secondary disaster>.

So called enveloped virus(Covid,infulenza)do not directly kill infected cell,

but proliferate and go spread from it by way of budding(secretion),

Then who really destroy infected cells of {our organs,and immune system} ??

*Caution:Once author frequently wrote virus eat(=kill) infected cell”,this is not exact.

However the whole essential conclusion is no changed.

Owing to this awarwness,insidious mechanism of no symptom,but carring virus may become comprehensible.

E96(2021/8/08.11,12,19)FNo Symptom,but Carrying Virus Proliferated by Trojan COVID Virus

Mechanism of Infection implosion by the Mass Vaccination is “easily” explained.

The antibody generated by vaccine certainly intecept binding with organ cell receptor(ACE2),so no onset or aggravation,

however most people may not know that disabled virus by the antibody must be finally eliminated by natural immune cell.

Immune cell eat the disabled virus,but it is immune cell which is eaten by the Trojan virus pretending disabled,

By eating immune cell, the Trojan virus proliferate to former virus by mRNA copyings in immune cell the dining room.

Immune cells are not organs one,so no ill symptom for the 1st infection time being,

however after the incubation period,...........Coming disaster may be more terrific than former ones,

Above process is quite similar with AIDS(HIV)<the researchers know it well,so named it ADE>.

so WHO urgently stop vaccination to prepare coming disaster !!.

*This is revised version of E95<this is imcomplete,pardon !>..

2021/8/11:APPENDIX3:We Must Change Life Way in Facing Outrageously Radical Evil Era.3

2021/8/12,19:Minor errors in immunity are corrected,and as for not wellknown ADE,small AIDS details is addied.

E95(2021/7/24,8/10)FVaccine the Upside Down=vaccinated people help infection rise

The unprecedented outrageous COVID pandemic is caused only by people infected but without symptom.,

Now it has revealed that vaccine could help to increse such vaccinated people infected but without symptom.,

Thus Vaccine Passpot has become of no use,but person who needs testing.

Once again ,we must call for ALL PEOPLE TESTING !!!.

Some may say it is good to prevent aggravation,however long time keeping infection without symptom is likely to become HIV(ADE~AIDS)?!.

2021/8/10:Incomplete portion is revised,as the consequence,this file become same as E96.

E94(2021/6/24,28,7/5,6)FAll People PCR Testing or COVID Vaccine_Do or Die

Already many people had been injected the vaccine,however at now(too late?!)

here revealed many serious warning on the vaccine by the vaccine developers themselves.

One of risk is vaccine become to cause stronger ill symptom in reinfection(ADE).

Hereupon,once also author proposed the all people PCR testing,

which become more superior than doubtful vaccine.

Once again,we must try to judge which is true or false.

2021/6/28:APPENDIX1:Stronger Mutant COVID emerging by Vaccine Rresistant?.

Author heared deadly stronger mutant Lambda strain in Peru,etc in South America,and remind drug(vaccine)resistant.Is it ADE ??

2021/7/5:APPENDIX2:Covid severe immune failure-and long-term residual sequelae.

2021/7/6:APPENDIX3:Rapid and Easy Covid Detecter by Covid Body Odour.

It is this that could become the final weapon toward eradicating the evil Covid.

E93(2021/6/11)FTurn from Covid Fascism to Climate Wartime Regime<as your final mission>.

On going current regime,your left life may be utmost 20 years,

you should utmostly imagine your death stage.

Real your task adapting with the sever fact is as follows.

If Covid could be eradicated to recover peace world,

then what woud become top priority problem in the world ??.

E92(2021/5/28)FUrgent Confirming the Truth toward Global Solidarity Launching.

Pandemic<=Great Reset,New Normal>would secretly head toward Mankind’s Massacre <Holocaust>

due to deadly conspiracy by the wicked spirit in high place<Bilderberg the wealthiest and nobility hereditary>.

Now more certifications are added in this report.

Also you should confirm salvation ideology & technology.It become possibly by you.

E91(2021/5/22)FTheists could Begin to Turn the Upside Down WORLD ?!!

<Desperate State in Israel & Palestine insidiously caused by Germanic NAZIS’s Strong Hate against Jew>.

This is due to the history of Class Struggle between Democrats Power and the Germanic Very Stubborn Aristocratic Tyranny,or Theism and Atheism.

Now Jew in Israel has been being accused by the world for their Aparthate Strategy with violence against poor Palestinian.

The long time history of desperate struggle between they may ruin their life and also value of their great historical Theism.

This is insidious historical conspiracy against both Theism of Israel and Muslim nations from the atheism of wicked spirit in high place.

Who had forced Jew to illegally emigrate Palestine ? And who support Israels violence now against Palestinian ? .

Now Netanyahu nation had become NAZIS Israel who has been ruining their great historical devotion of Theism ?!.


Facing extinction era,the 1st cause and the countermeasure are surveyed.



‡T:Science Basis

Recognizable Matter are Logical ⇔ Logical Matter are Recognizable.

Natural Laws are all reflection of LOGIC.

Creation of Universe(observable world)from NOTHING and God the Almighty.


The History is struggle between who rule & who are ruled<CLASS STRUGGLE,Marx>

Anti-Bible teach is secret society Skull Bonds philosophy by Hoegel in feudalism Preusen,

USA the NAZIS reincarnated nation.

‡V:Today’s Imminent Tasks

Climate Collapse with COVID19 Outbreak,

E89(2020/11/28)FEvidenty West Rulers has been Decieving on in Covid Eradication !

<All the People Virus Testing=Making who is Infected and who is Not !!>

Still now,any nations could not have eradicated Covid,but has been facing more increasing infections with social decline,

but except the China of all people virus testing.

A Japanese politician had happened to disclose their very insidious and malicious views in national Covid policy.

E88(2020/09/15)FAmazing Incompetent now Ruling on in the Political Decadent World

<Cobid19 Terror Ruling in Evidently Coming Climate Hell World>.

The Bible, Corinthians 2:3-4

I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling.

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power,

The Bible,Acts 4:32

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own,

but they shared everything they had.

E87(2020/06/24,25)FJuly 4th 2020 AMAZING Planetary Alignment EARTHQUAKE IndicatorI

Earthquake is thermal mantle fluid flow colliding in ultra high pressure,

and could be affected by planetary gravity relaxing the under ground pressure toward triggering plate sliding.

E86(2020/06/19)FWHO(all nations)must Rapidly Response for the Wuhan’s Decisive Facts.

The Crooked USA once accused WHO ‘s pro China pose,but both USA & WHO seem against

the All People Testing toward Eradicating the Virus from the Planet ??.

Now all inhabitants must awaken,the unprecedented planetary chaos is only due to simple ,but strong fact that

we can not know who is infected and who is not,unless All Inhabitants Testing.

All people testing is paradoxically rapid,safe,and cheap toward decisive Social Order Recovering !!

E85(2020/06/14)FFollowing Heavenly Will could Intercept Extinction by Virus & by Climate ?!

Now we face with both the pandemic and worsened climate.

By the pandemic outrageous victims,we must get something strong mending tools toward coming broken future.

E84(2020/06/3,4)FUnless Rapid Eradicating the Virus,We would Encounter More Horrific One.

All nation people virus testing enable the settlement by short time and expense .

Negative people can come back business,and positive ones are isolated to be medic cared.

Unless Rapid Eradicating the Virus,We would Encounter More Horrific One.

The virus mutation is told rapid toward generating more toxic one.

2020/6/03(Erruntum in ):innate immuneimmune.

E83(2020/05/31)FAll People Testing & Basic Income Are Decisive to Tackle against Corona.

All people’s PCR testing can find people coming back business and patients to hospital at once.

This was found possible both by short time and expense.Also you could verify it.

Note the Unprecedented Global Economy Crush at now would last for at lest few years ? by best,if worst,for more than 10 years?.

Thus temporal Emergency Subsidies could not work for essential relief,but ineffective waste causing stronger government finance crisis ?.

Problem is least payment,but most effective relief method to recover stable economy.

Then we must judge business necessary and not,but do reliefing all people’s livelihood.

E82(2020/05/21,22)FWe Could Win in Technically but XXX in Political Unite.

Cobid19 is mere a naked king exposed by All Nation People Testing.Then we could win at soon.

Now it may have some problem and needs overwhelming global consensus to accomplish.

Unless global wide complete virus eradication success,any nation could be safe for ever..

If we could have come back society,coming our tasks must be changed toward

solving the invisible,but fatal problem having caused the global Corona riot by the ruler.

2020/5/22:APPENDIX-3: Easy saliva sampling does not need laborious sampling in PCR Test.

E81(2020/05/20,22)FThe Strategy Comparison<All People Testing(APT) VS Vaccination>

Now USA in a hurry launches vaccination strategy against All People Testing.

You shoud compare which is righteous !!

2020/5/22:APPENDIX-3: Easy saliva sampling does not need laborious sampling in PCR Test.

2020/5/23:APPENDIX-4: As for Potential Conflict of Interest.

2020/5/22:APPENDIX-5: Herd Immunity by 70% infectionH.

E80(2020/05/9,10,11,16,6/6)FWe Could Win Virus by Testing All Nation People in!! a short Time & Expense.

If we could have tested all 100million nation people by possible times and cost,we could win ! !,

which by at once can determine Negative Healthy People for coming back business,and

Positive Patients for isolating and medical treatment.

2020/5/10:APPENDIX-1:Accuracy of PCR Tester for the Complete Eradication.

2020/5/11:correcting important definition error and APPENDIX-3:Who has been Operating the Chaos.

2020/5/16:PCR test times problemss are largely corrected toward complete virus eradication.

2020/6/6:Large version up was done.

E79(2020/05/03)FSearch toward the last patient case like as needles in a haystack

The1st Lock Down Operation must be sufficiently Complete to Eradicate the Virus!.

Survey on the Bio Weapon concludes rapid mutation causing immunodeficiency(no vaccine).

If this is correct,possible option is only social confinement toward not only stop spread of patients,

but also Complete Virus Eradication.Incomplete operation takes longer time

that accelerate mutation toward growing stronger infection,

which is to cause operation harder to accomplish the eradicating.

This means very important indication that The 1st Operation must be Sufficiently Complete.

The evidence is recent success of New Zealand whose policy is that

Search toward the last patient case like as searching needles in a haystack !!!,

This strategy is the worst case scenario,but could be shorten operation period !.

E78(2020/03/10,11,12,16,19,20,27,28,29,4/1,6,9,10,13,20,23,30):Prompt Wartime Regime against Designed Bio-Weapon

CORRECTION2020/4/23:APPENDIX-14:A Possible Cause of Immunity Incompleteness.2020/4/1

Spike and receptor bonding interaction is not optimal.→@optimal to be strong

Coronavirus bond with ACE2 at almost organs is strong to cause various painful symptoms

2020/4/30:APPENDIX-24:The Reason Long Lasting Combat due to the Crooked Virus.

2020/4/30:APPENDIX-23:Basic Income is decisive Drug to Treat the Deadly Livelihood.

The monetary circulation is proved to be consistent without debt increasing.

Evidences of Designed Bio-Weapon the New CoronaVirus(=CV).

Aim of the Weapon`Destroying Aural Democracy toward silent Terror Ruling?!!.

Observed the extra-ordinal rapid and global infection speed.

Infection explosion is due to massive unconscious healthy people the infected.

Prompt Wartime Regime<Lockdown and Logistics>

by complete military suits working with various weapons against CV,

and Life Stabilizing by Rationing for fundamental Foods and Mede-Cares,etc.

New Economy Calculation for Anticpating Demands and Production

The war would become chronical and global to destroy the Life and Business as Usual.

This is the most concern for all,though author could not decisive evidence.

This is the possible worst case scenario by taking the uncertainty risk.→[‚R]❷

the uncertainty risk=the Probability×the possible DAMAGE COST.

2020/4/30:APPENDIX-24:The Reason Long Lasting Combat due to the Crooked Virus.

2020/4/30:APPENDIX-23:Basic Income is decisive Drug to Treat the Deadly Livelihood.

2020/4/23:APPENDIX-22:Quick Virus Test Instruments

2020/4/20:APPENDIX-21:Decision toward Long Period Wartime Regime!!

By High Possibility,the World Must Take the Most Severe Strategy.

2020/4/13:APPENDIX-20:Exposing Explicitly the Virus Developer ?!!!

2020/4/10:APPENDIX-19:Prompt Weapon Production as Wartime Orders

2020/4/09:APPENDIX-18:Virus Testing for All People is the Key to its Eradication !


2020/4/06:APPENDIX-16:An Actual Story told by Wuhan Doctors and Nurses.

2020/4/06:APPENDIX-15:Herd Immunity Strategy Nations would become Hell?!.

2020/4/01:APPENDIX-14:A Possible Cause of Immunity Incompleteness.

2020/4/01:APPENDIX-13:Possible Two Ways after Decline of Infection Expansion.

2020/3/29:APPENDIX-12:Spreading Vegetable Seeds to Any Where Vacant Land(Home Planter).

2020/3/28:APPENDIX-11:Lockdown the 1st Strike Strategy.

2020/3/27:APPENDIX-10:A Real Data on Positive,but without the Symptom.

2020/3/20:APPENDIX-9:Light Irradiation Virus Killing Method without Drugs.

2020/3/19:APPENDIX-8FBottomless Abyss,or Not ??@

2020/3/19:APPENDIX-7FA Fassion Evolution against Corona Virus.

2020/3/19:APPENDIX-6FMilitary Protection Suits Effectiveness was Proved.

2020/3/19:APPENDIX-5:Strategy Strong Virus Combat Operation(China) vs Insidious Population Immunity Survival(Japan).

2020/3/16:APPENDIX-4:The Demagogy on Corona Immunity.

2020/3/16:APPENDIX-3:Face Mask could be effective against Coronavirus.

2020/3/12:APPENDIX-2:A Report Disclosing Possibility of Immunodeficiency?!.

2020/3/11:APPENDIX-1:The Awful Original Sin of Bio-Weapon Development by Japanese.


New virus patient recovers dramatically with influenza AIDS drug announced by Thai Ministry of Health;

2/3 (Mon) 6:58 Delivery AFP = Current affairs

E77(2020/1/28):Outrageous Disaster Must Be Turned to Great Chance.

The Australian fire is unprecedented scale.Now we must turn the damage to something leaping tools.

Once again we review climate politics and reveal the dark aspects more clear

toward global CLIMATE RIOT,only which could save us.Time left is not so long.

E77(2019/11/12):The Really Pragmatical Philosophy of Ancient China=”Mozi’s Teach”.




The world becomes peace by universal love,but becomes confused by mutual hatred.

Those who follow heavenly do justice,but who do not follow do force.

The world becomes peace by justice,but becomes confused without justice.

E76(2019/09/26):Hiding Arctic Methane Risk Can Not Realize Real Climate Salvation !!!

In the keeping to warm Arctic seafloor,there are massive ice methane reservoir,

which is enough to burn Earth by fire storms attack by eruption of massive methane.

However,Nothing Revealing the Decisive Fact on Imminent Arctic Methane Catastrophe Risk

by the Climate Scientists who had known the Deadly Fact !!!.

E75(2019/09/14):To Greta with global activists for Global #WeekForFuture 20-27_9_2019

This is far from any past wars,but war now heading extinction before 2040.

Do ask not politicians who have not been aware the fact,

but the climate doctor scientists who have known the deadly climate facts

Politicians must follow their decisive diagnosis.

You must ask them to declare the imminent climate fact that

unless establishing urgent global climate wartime regime to build really rapid and effective countermeasure,

we would be heading global climate extinction by fireball earth before 2040.

E74(2019/08/9,11):Hon Kong People,Korean,Japanese Never be Deceived-Threatened.

The Rulers has been Playing with Hatred Chaos Conspiring to Hide the Real Crisis.

The now world top evident but also top secret is that the world has been entirely heading toward climate hell extinction

due to massive oil consumption(Rockefeller the Oil merchant & the American empire with CIA-military industry complex the reincarnated NAZIS in USA).In order to exterminate global races,the deadly fact must be hided not to become world top political task,

so they has entirely been operating global political chaos(as false flag wars and disputes)by causing strong hatred among peoples.

Global people Never be Deceived,or Threatened by the power,but Must Largely be United with a TRUTH.

2019/8/11:APPENDIX-4 “Who is really willing to take the DEADLY RESPONSIBILITY” is added.

E73(2019/07/21):Rapid Launching Climate Engineering could Save the World !!

<The Fact of Deadly Disabled Climate Policy in the Recent Years World >.

Now it is clearly evident that climate had become more wild at here and there in the world.

As has been being debated in annual COPs by UN,

actual effective climate policy is not so simple only to reduce CO2.

Then even this one plan had not realized even one time of reduction year in the past.

After all,even the highest priority task of evading global extinction,

the world has been doing nothing substantial effective action.

Even as though,there is still Salvation Possibility by rapid launching Climate Engineering.

In APPENDIX,you could see astonishing coincidence between the predictions and the reality at now world.

E72(2019/07/08):Weapons for Climate War are Possible in Technology,but not in Politics

Now it is clearly evident that climate had become more wild at here and there in the world.

However doctor(climate scinetists)could not declare to global public to urgently go hospital.

They once made error diagonosis the impossibility of medical operation on Climate.

Though in fact,there are many technological possible validity as described at here.

After all,nothing political decision is due to world ruling by NAZIS America the upside down nation.

This report is proposing Shocking Treatment to turn the UPside Down World.

E71(2019/07/02,06,07,8/1):Blocking Nares Strait Gate to Intercept Methane Catastrophe


Wall must be added more pressure due to ocean current deficit in strait side.

Correction(2019/8/1):This is Large Correction on Part‡U due to tidal current pressure at the wall.

Then landfilling the strait by massive stones is empoyed for the wall,

certainly it is unprecedented,but not impossilbe(very lucky in many aspects>.

By anyhow,it needs the expert's verification and design toward Geo-Engineering.

This finding may be also your surprise to defeat Arctic Desperate the Methane Catastrophe.

Off Nares Strait(width=20Km)ocean current could drastically turn Arctic heat budget debt=+4W/m^2 to -10W/m^2.

all the ocean current in Arctic is to warm Arctic ,

especially note outflow of colder current is to warm Arctic.

But only cooling radiation(not ocean current)can output heat into space.

Sea water volume shrinkage by cooling causes surface inflow of Bering and Barents,

And downward outflow of Thermohaline Current(THC).

Thereby If ocean surface height become higher(volume expanding),Bering and Barents current is to be reduced.

All the Arctic ocean surface outflow current is driven P=(2/3)ρu^2 by centrifugal force due to earth rotation with pole axis.

Nares,Canadian Archipelago,and Fram strait currents are this type.

If Nares current is off(7W/m^2),temporal ocean surface height rise is to increase outflow of type⑶

And decrease volume sensitive flow of Bering and Barents heat input.

Once ocean surface height become normal,type⑶ become state before.

Then cronicle outflow deficit is to reduce Bering and Barents heat input.

Thus heat input decreasing have become doubling

Heat Debt=+4W/m^2→|10W/m^2D

Gate Building 20Km lenghth-depth 150~300m may be possible by remote controlling power shovel

with ultrasonic monitoring camera.Pressure at wall is about 47Pa,

Vertical pressure force at the W gate(20Kmx200m)is about 187x10^6N.

These values are not impossible to build.

E70(2019/06/07,11,12,13):Upward Floating Mechanism of Aerosol Forming Clouds and CLOUDS MAKING MACHINE

This is problem of Cloud Making Machine(CMM) Launching Aerosol(CN)from Ocean Surface.

Then natural Upward Floating Mechanism of CN is decisive in cloud generating efficiency.

One is well known Wind Turbulence Diffusion observed in ordinal chimney smoke diffusion,

Another is weak buoyancy force(with cold sink flow)generated by latent heat emission in magic CN’s absorbing vapor gas.

Loss of{hot & light}vapor gas is to cause local air gas colder and heavier toward sink current.

After all,some of enough hotter CNs go upward to become cloud droplet at condensation altitude.

:Climate Desperate is partly due to that scientists consider it impossible to recover stable climate

by engineering.But this report would challenge their pesimistic view.

2019/06/13:A11 is finally corrected,however unsolved quantitical problem still has been .

E69(2019/04/28):The Arctic Desperate,True or Not.

It’s not Politicians,but Scientists* who had caused Climate Desperate.

It is climate scientists* who had advised politicians nothing climate salvation possibility

due to the Arctic Desperate.Thus the climate apathy had begun in global political stages.

However it may be deadly mistake of them. Is it really desperate on the Arctic Risk ?!

In their bottom minds,people has been wishing coming climate salvation at All.

A:If possible,I wish not to be killed in coming climate worsened world.

B:If most of nation people patiently will act against climate,so also I will.

Then what has been being missing ??

E68(2019/04/26):Total Manualization a Revolution toward Effective Global Saving

;At this time could not be complete and sufficient,so would be revised again someday.

Documented instruction guide(manual)is enormously effective to any works in every field by easy stable task,less loss cost and risk averting.

Some claim 86% tasks of corporate activities are manualizable.It is the left that must be manualize.That is revolution toward Total Manualization on intellectual works of elites Management general(private and public),Medical,Judicial,Police-Military,Administration and even Politics.

Only 1% people is really able,while manual could make also 99% people able.

Exact Future Anticipating is Saving all of Us.

In manualization,anticipating all possible events in coming future is essential,

then this becomes Risk Management toward averting possible risks in coming future.

E67(2019/04/21):Emergency Production for Climate Wartime Weapons.

In the beginning is urgent Global Declaration of Climate Wartime by AUTHORITY.

In past wars, beginning was to start weapon production,so this is the same in climate war.

Planning necessary Operations{A,B }are parallely also the same.

E66(2019/04/20):Virtual Surveying the Mind of People Facing Climate Destroying

Hope the Fundamental Assumption(HFA)

Let’s suppose naive assumptions,then people will consent with the action.

A:If possible,I wish not to be killed in coming climate worsened world.

B:If most of nation people patiently will act against climate,so also I will.

E65(2019/04/17,18):Fatality Due to Illusional Beauty Ruling in Strong Vanity Society

Whether it be criminal or not,it should be 9/11 for Catholic Church.Author don’t know well about Notre-Dame,however

he then remind the French writer Victor Hugo’s novel “Not re-Dame of Paris”.It is told a love story of ugly man and beautiful Gypsy woman.

It becomes justly very serious theme of also us now in the upside down world.Because now we live in unprecedented prosperous material civilization world in mankind history,while we live also in the upside down world now heading climate hell world by global extermination.

This is nothing,but the deadly problem of what is really beauty and ugly .

It would be no use.Thereby wealthy&etc don’t donate church,but do to children.

Because Paris agreement=2015 is fatal fake to cause once more destruction of the church.

They never admit fatal Arctic Methane Risk.Then really which do God wish ??

04/18:APPENDIX-1,2 ;;[‚Q]⑼⑽⑾@are added,

E64(2019/04/12):True or False Judging Machine

This is toward full computerization in not only routine works,but also intellectual one.

Deep learning conquered pattern recognition,while difficulty may be language recognition.

Then author employed Predicative Logic Translation .This is a primitive and sloppy trial.

E63(2019/03/06):Reserving at least A Day for Decision Making on Die or Do by everybody together !

Also this Site Mission is to ensure nobody can say: I didn't know the Conspiracy of Climate Extermination ! ' Note no wars in the past had caused planet extermination,but only climate is entirely different.Now any planet people had known climate worsening by own observing and frequent news.However,nobody seem to seriously act against those,but live life as usual.While governments who are responsible nation people’s life security,they seem to have been acting well by such political COP annual global meeting.However they never disclose imminent deadly risk of Arctic Methane Catastrophe,which would burn planet !!!. Unless urgent drastic global regime change,it would surely happen before about 2040.

E62(2019/02/27):Coming Climate Hell Caused by Defeat In Class Struggle.@

Technologically,climate fixing is possible,but Politically,it has become deadlock.

Essence come from denying visible,but lighting darkness of who rule all from behind the world,

E61(2018/09/30):Ugly Relation between Japan & NAZIS USA against Truth,Justice,and Humanity.

The most supporting nation to NAZIS USA is Japan author’s nation.

Thereby,both USA and Japan must be changed to not upside down nation.

This report disclose NAZIS USA the Traitor against God and accuse own incompetent colonial nation to encourage folks.

E60(2018/09/26):NAZIS USA the Forcing Injustice in Era of Having Revealed Truth .

Main actor in world politics is USA,however USA is not unique,but divided to NAZIS incarnated

(global ruler)and the Opposer power.The former caused 9/11 and following false flag wars in Middle East

and hided climate crisis toward operation EndGame. They has been causing global chaos

(false flag terror and wars,intercepting climate fixing)toward Apocaliptic world

in order only to conserve their ancient ruling regime.

<<Revolution is more terrible than defeating war,...Konoe wartime leader of Japan imperial>>.

Thus our enemy ruled by very minor,but the highest is unique and only,

while we the overwhelming mass folks has been defeating due to no awareness on

the decisive truth(toward victory),internal betraying and splitting(without strong large scale unite).

E59(2018/03/15):An Evidence of the Wicked Spirit in High Place

The USA and UK establishment(Rockefeller and UK imperial the nobility hereditary)

has been strongly connecting with each other entirely for conserving their highest status quo.

Then their decisive,but evil task is entirely destroying change in ideology and politics by their enemy.

Almost terrible criminal events since the 9/11(2001)are caused by their conspiracy.

Following crime at this time may be due to them. People never trust malicious WEST propaganda against Russia,Syria,.....

Now is not time for concern with such kind of fake disputes,but admit awful fact that

East Siberian Arctic Shelf has faced with imminet Methane Catastrophe Risk inducing global extinction hell.

E58(2018/02/25):Stable ECONOMICS for coming Climate Wartime Regime

Finance View<Substantially Zero Debt-Bond Stable Society by Al Qur’an teach>.

This is ideal society of substantially zero debt-bond even with enabling society evolution(economy growth).

Society without Bankruptcy is Possible by national subsidy and by tax on surplus.

E57(2018/02/20):Final Judgment toward Climate Salvation by Theological Revolution.

<USA and Other Nations in the World now Heading Climate Auschwitz>.

Once Christian Religion was political revolution,but failed to be moral teach...Goethe

Global people has been too busy both in BUSINESS and regional military DISPUTEs.

Then,all of us must be awaken on deadly fact now we have been heading to climate Auschwitz.

Then the salvation may be unprecedently biggest to cause you hesitate,

however,there is still salvation possibility by Engineering in Global HOLY REVOLUTION.

It is both technical Engineering and Political Decision Engineering due to Theological Revolution.

E56(2018/02/13):People can Call for Climate Scientist’s Fact Diagnosis toward Actual Salvation

Now mankind has been heading toward global climate exterminating by mad supremacist.

Paris agreement without Arctic Methane Emergency is fake ,not to save the world !.

However,even as though,we could accomplish salvation by Global Climate Revolution.

All of you with Evidence of the FACT must call for Climate Scientists to Declare Fact Dignosis.

\Whole View of This Report\

[‚O]FValidity on the insidious Fake:Now climate had become too late too fix !!

[‚P]FCurrent Trend is the Worst,now Heading toward Climate Hell Exterminating.

[‚Q]FUnique and Only Strongest Method to Trigger GLOBAL CLIMATE REVOLUTION.

[‚R]FClimate Wartime ECONOMICS.

(1)Arctic Cooling geo-Engineering to stop Methane Catastrophe by International Policy.

(2)Rapid & Altogether 80% Renewable Energy Transition by urgent National PolicyB

(3)People’s Life Assurance by National Policy.

‡TGBIBasic Income System...this could stabilize Income with Market(Employment)size.

‡UGNational Strategy for industry&employment<climate war industry with soldier❶❷>

‡VGNational Strategy on saving and logistics for FOODs<farmer & logistics soldier,>

‡WGCommunication and Logistics System by renewable energy<Hydrogen Gas>

‡XGClimate Disaster Management by Nation.

‡YFCulture Promotion Policy in climate war time regime.

E55(2018/02/04):Your Possible Opting is only REVOLUTION!,or EXTINCTION!

Author show you the validity in simplest,but exact way in following.

Note the world has been being ruled by madness of the ruler(NAZIS).Also ourselves is not normal,but very crooked.

This is counter strategy to operation EndGame the exterminating mankind by climate hell.

Technically salvation technology 80% renewable energy and Arctic Cooling are possible.

Now initiating force to real global political action has been being not realized by discords

E54(2017/12/16):NAZIS reincarnated in USA(The Warmonger)with Atheism is Defeated

The Final Summary(this is mere a simple,but strong LOGIC !!).

All becoming Theist is great historical chance toward Global Revolution.

Science never deny Religion,but affirm.Thereby,science is not enemy,but strong ally.

Thereby atheism due to no validity in science is not correct,so it must be turned !!.

In fact,global chaos in politics due to crooked spirit in high place(the Emperor ruling).

They are supremacist now operating EndGame exterminating global population.

Their supremacism is anti-Religion(injustice,lie,hatred not to co-live in peace).

Their ruling is terribly wrong to cause upside down world which must be turned.

Having gotten rid of the supremacist ruling enables following revolution.

Terror and warfare could be stabilized by Engineering in politics-economics.

Climate could be stabilized by Engineering in new energy and Arctic Cooling.

All people’s livelihood could be stabilized by Engineering in Basic Income.

E53(2017/11/20,23): How to Escape from Global Slavery by CIA

*2017/11/23: General in charge of US nukes says he can defy an ‘illegal’ strike order from Trump

Most difficulty of the World Today is people could not have realized real difficulty cause.

Because education(for children)& mass media(for adult)never will disclose real cause.

<At first,keep economy growing regime, where people are too busy in business to ignore real enemy both in world of visible perpetual wars-terrors threat and in invisible threat of climate worsened world,now heading global extinction before 2050 ! >.

Now West and East(Russia &China and their ally)has been being against with each other.

However it is not that one of them is right,but both are wrong.Even though,we could tell that

Real Evil has been due to West Ally.Especially USA with the Emperor is NAZIS reincarnated nation

(CIA-military industry complex the advanced fascism nation).Their influence has been not only in USA,

but in global.However to tell so,there is the anti-power in USA.Now they has been suffering in their resistance due to their less power. In authors survey,Europe,South America,Africa and Asia,all of they has been being ruled by CIA after the war due to CIA operations<Gradio,Condor,......>.That right,It is called “America Imperialism”.

The aim of this report is that also we foreigner must stand up to over turn the evil and insidious global ruling regime(CIA) by purging minority of betrayers(CIA agent)in each nation’s behind by effective method of concentrating our power at a focus<betrayer>.

E52(2017/11/13):Hitler’s Grievous Prediction on Coming Future View of 2039

Prescript by author Suzuki:

Telling for Hitler,general people would consider him the unprecedented most brutal leader with 6million Jew genocide in NAZIS program in the war.

Also author has nothing objection on it.However as for what he once had foreseen on coming future(21th century),

It is almost historically correct.Also you could confirm it in following his message.

It is just prediction on NAZIS reincarnated in USA as CIA-military industry complex due to

operation paper clip which secretly imported NAZIS person with the war technology.


This is mind analysis on People facing option on Climate Hell or Climate Revolution.

A people becomes impossible to do,when he feel also massive others consider it so.

A people becomes possible to do,when he feel also massive others consider it so.

E50(2017/09/14):Behind Big Crisis is Big Chance to Transit.@@@@@

Telling such as “disaster is a chance” is against moral,

however disaster having already occurred must be turned something useful for coming future.

While any strong enemy has a deadly weak-point,against which we could attack toward win !!!

E49(2017/08/20):Lawless US Military(who has been making USA the Worst in the World!!)

In now world,unprecedented monstrous deception has been ruling on !!!.,

It’s not military or terror disputes(those are all false flag indicating coming total nuclear WW‡V),

but climate collapse that would really cause extermination hell world(genuine WW‡V).

This is not only our ignorance,but substantially hidden awful intention by the actual eugenicist.

E48(2017/08/05):Nothing Arctic Cooling Engineering Research is Betrayal against Humanity.

Dear Researchers in Global Arctic Research Institutions”.

So far authors survey,the urgent highest priority of planet defense problem at now is

Arctic Methane Catastrophe Risk,which UN’s climate consultant IPCC has been ignoring.

Don’t you know the Climate Collapse now heading 5bilion people extinction is

not only our massive ignorant failure,but hiddenly and well conspired as actual WW‡V the final survival war

and as operation End Game due to head of the warmonger in USA.

It is who has been interfering IPCC scientists.

This report is the emergent information to you(the deadly unconscious cooperator with them) must read !!!.

E47(2017/08/02):How to Accomplish Global Climate Action toward Effective Fixing.

Central Governments would be busy in warfare,while other policy be paralyzed.

Now strong evil power has been accelerating climate worsening toward 5 billion people extinction.

They interfere climate scientist IPCC and hide deadly climate fact.

They threaten also business-media society to hide,so people has entirely been being deceived.

Also politics will not work for climate fixing.Paris Accord is hypocrite not to save people.

The final chance may be creating global justice power from bottom sides with the truth.

E46(2017/07/11):Arctic Methane Extinction is Revealed to be Operation EndGame.

It’s Climate Change that is Silent,but Actual WW‡V Exterminating 5Billion People.

Why IPCC Scientists has been Silent on Arctic Methane Risk.

E45(2017/07/02):100% Renewable Energy is Possible both Technical and Political ?!!!

Crisis due to the Broken Paris Accord by USA must be turn to great chance to transit.

This report shows you the evident technological validity of realizing 100% Renewable Energy.

Decisive problem left is the political decision by global unite with decisive truth.

Above all,.climate extinction hell is nothing,but far more than any historical wars on the planet.

E44(2017/06/06):The Broken Paris Accord is Final Chance to Transit

<They Hide Arctic Methane Deadly Risk toward Operation End Game>.

THE SUMMARY” toward Really Effective Action:

It is the Regime Quo that has been accelerating coming Climate Hell,

while people has been being deceived by such hypocrite Paris Accord

which never tell decisive and imminent Risk of Arctic Methane Catastrophe.

The final Relief is global declaration of Climate Wartime the emergency

by mass experts who can verify deadly climate fact and the fixing technology.

It is not impossible,but highly realizable in neat works on the verification by mass experts.

Any politicians could not help,but follow the declaration certified.

:Most regret in deathbed is told what they had not challenged at that time.

E43(2017/05/28,29):6 Million American Jobs would kill 5 Billion people until 2043?!!

Operation on Intercepting Global Extinction by Methane Catastrophe due to Ice vanishing in Arctic(Arctic Cooling Engineering)

would require Global co-operating Big Project.

The cost is coarsely estimated from about few B$/year to initial machine cost=2T{annual cost=0.3T$/y.

Note World Military Budget1.7‚s$/‚™,World Oil Spending26‚s$/‚™ !!

Think Big,but not small !!.

E42(2017/05/23):Imminent Task of US All to Make Global Unite.

Once Japan went no winning possibility war against USA entirely only for conserving emperor regime,

the consequence was A-bomb in Hiroshima-Nagasaki.Though there was no blame against emperor.

Now the world has been facing perpetual false flag terror and war to camouflage coming climate hell world

toward global extinction due to awful stupidity only for conserving the oil merchant emperor regime.

We are entirely too stupid to keep perpetual struggle among us,while we have been ignoring real enemy

who has been conspiring our struggle among us to intercept our global unite with the truth !!.

E41(2017/05/15,16):Nuclear War Threat and Suppressing Mechanism on Climate Activating.

It is unprecedented upside down stupidity that people has been too busy in threat of terrors,wars,and BUSUINESS,

while the FUSE has been firing on toward Arctic Methane Catastrophe the GLOBAL MASS EXTINCTION.

Due to recent the puppet nation North Korea’s threat,people becomes too worry as for breaking possibility of total nuclear war,

while entirely not as for total Extinction by Climate Hell.

This is the minds analysis at now World.

5/16:largely revised in [‚R]❹Final question of everyone,could it really be success ?!!.

E40(2017/04/25):The Power Conflict at now World and the Reckless Military Industry.

Due to strong malicious the war monger,

now Trump Presidency had turned promised policy of no war,but peace with Russia.

We all must do not only accusing the Presidency,

but also revealing and making global aware on the Evil Being in USA.

E39(2017/01/19):Dear Science and Religious Climate Leaders.

Now many people deceived by the media has been worrying coming Trump presidency.

Businessman Trump's presidency may be it is up to us(Paul Craig Roberts).

So far in authors survey,the businessman character may be summarized as(‡T)(‡U).

It could become comprehensible by asking who had made America worst !!.

This is too serious essential problem not only for American,but also for people in the world.

E38(2016/12/04,09):It is not politician,but doctor(scientists), only who can declare patient(climate worsened)to urgently go to hospital surgery room !!.

*2016/12/09:APPENDIX_2,3 are added.

This is letter to Climate Scientists International to urge their declaring climate fact.Also their sever environment are surveyed

Note recently many argued risk of WW‡V between USA and Russia,however the real imminet cause never be told.Why not?? .

While non established elite Trump who is friendly with Putin Russia won the election,which is decisive turning not oly for USA,but the world.

Now it is the science society who has decisive key for success or faillure of saving the world.

E37(2016/11/22,24):The Global Ruling Structure-2016_How to Engineering toward Accomplishing Global StabilityHHIII.

*2016/11/24:APPENDIX_References are added.

Without hope, when also mixing and doing to seem, there is often a thing it’ll be(W.Shakespeare).

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step(M.L.King).

You could see whole view on Global Ruling structure the evil devastating the world by the established stupid elites with absurd spremacism.

Then our task is engineering(intellectual cooperation with strong will)to turn the upside down world by altogether.

E36(2016/11/13):To be or not to be Planet Terminator,the supreme decision on Climate

Trump became next president,who is friendly with Putin,so the Hell of Syria must be soon settled without WW‡V ,

however both are climate deniers at now.In peace established world,

the deadly climate could not help to be ,but the highest priority task !!!.

Above all,East Siberian Arctic Shelf is facing imminent Methane Catastrophe Risk !!!.

Not only both nations,but also other nations must take urgent actions with together !!!!!.

E35(2016/10/21):The Fraud Voting Machine and Coming US Election.

<<It is rigged voting machines that has been destroying the World !>>.

At now the world facing unprecedented critical points,the role of USA and Russia become extremely significant.

The coming presidential voting in US would destine also coming the world.

In USA,unprecedented deadly heat between both candidates the NAZIS power vs the Resistance power is going on.

Decent Americans seem have become awaken the fact.

E34(2016/09/25):In the last term,President Obama must have accomplished the promise CHANGE !!

In a Time of Universal Deceit -Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act....George Orwell

Obama Government now faces the last term of 3months,while insane bombing Syria and

Insane killing black American have been going on.Those are all due to insane USA..

After all,summary to tell,all of those are due to the deadly lies caused by America.

Certainly now the world had become Time of Universal Deceit.

By 3 months,President Obama could do the revolutional act,That is, telling truth !!,


Now hiding deadly climate(& wealth monopoly)by reincarnated NAZIS USA with WEST ally has been causing

global chaos of perpetual terrors and regional disputes toward global mass extinction by Arctic Methane Catastrophe .


American general has been unconscious slavery who has entirely been deserving

to grow up the Grim Reaper the American plutocracy(the emperor Rockefeller with invisible reincarnated NAZIS regime).

America has been strong illusion nation with their outstanding economic prosperity and with outstanding military power.

It is which that succeeded not to recognize own slavery status for long.

However the time has just come when the actuality begin to reveal the total true ugly appearance.

American has been being driven to work harder for growing plutocracy and for paying heavy tax

(especially for outstanding military expenditure)in following abnormal terrible mechanism


Now,we know regime without nuclear WW‡V for global climate fixing operation.

Also we know business as usual regime with extravagant carbon energy consumption.

Then the task for you is how to bridge over both regime in a time. It is technically possible.

E32(2016/08/06):Rapid CO2 Absorption with Mineralizstion of CO2 by OLIVINE

80%CO2 cut with mass absorption by ocean and land would take more than 60 years long,

while Olivine Engineering in global reservoir could have potential of rapid absorption .

This fact must urgently be Climate Revolution toward rapid actions.

E31(2016/06/04):How to Politically Destroy Earthquake WeaponAnyone can make HAARP

In 2010/1/12 ,M7 Earthquake hitted Haiti and in 2011/3/11 M9 Earthquake hitted Japan.

They say those were caused by HAARP the electromagnetic earthquake weapon.

Now HAARP had become fatal political threatening for Democratic Nations in the world.

Now author will reveals you how to make HAARP the mechanism.

A harp is collective of music playing strings by fingers touchings on those.

Then the strings are electron density in Ion sphere and the fingers is irradiating special traversal electromagnetic waves(VHF) to Ion sphere.


E30(2015/12/15):Paris Agreement(COP21)is toward climate hell !!!

Turning this is the deadly climate fact DECLARING by global scientists.

declaring the deadly climate fact could determine climate policy at once!!.

(2015/12/1311/13 is the Paris Attack which banned climate action in Paris streetsIj

COP meeting has been being nonsense at all due to absent of the deadly climate fact.

Policy makers has been excluding climate scientists who know the fact,

and entirely pushing responsibility with each others between advanced nations and advancing nations

for long years and making specious agreements which is without salvation.

In the beginning must be the deadly climate fact at now,

however which has been ignoring since COP’s beginning,thereby,

it is entirely impossible to establish salvation regime by COP.

Therefore,above all,at first,we need the climate fact confirmation in global.

By the fact,necessary cilmate policy could be determined at once !!!!!.Those are ..

‡T:Urgent more than 80%CO2 cut in global policy.

‡U:Urgent implementing of Arctic Cooling Technology to stop Methane Extinction.

All is determined from fact with logic,which are nothing but excluding fake and sham.

E29(2015/12/10,15):Testimony to Paris Citizen & Police.

Your task in coming climate hell era is shooting innocent ,hungry mass people similar as 11/13 in Paris.

Nothing willing to tackle climate change is suicide by global elites at now.

Current situation indicates world has been going toward climate hell to catastrophe about 2050.

*Addendum.2015/12/11:more details are addedd in Petition-It was illegal by Paris Police.

*As for those who know the deadly climate fact,COPxx has been absurd enough toward global suicide.

Since the global emperor(prosperity obsessioner at now,but also unconscious or conscious suicide wisher at last climate catastrophic stage)hate fact tellers.

Most global people might be the same due to the deceptions.

Maybe the main cite participants don’t know(or silent)absolute necessity of 80%CO2 cut to turn down into stable temperature and deadly Methane Extinction Risk.

For long years,COP debates has been putting responsibility one another to avert fact.

As is such confused situation,we could not be saved.This is COPxx’s absurd reality since the start.

Now time left for salvation has become less,so you are to be death penalty final commander to humanity.

With rational judgment,France government had better admit the deadly facts that also author points out.

E28(2015/11/21,23):Paris attack(11_13) is terror against Climate Actions in COP21.

Condolence is to make victims not of no use,and amplified power for overcoming the terror !!!.

Most of elites might have not been aware the deadly climate fact.(no salvation by 2Ž Copenhagen treatment,

neglecting emergent Arctic Methane Risk,mending both would need global conversion from business as usual to climate wartime regime).

Since climate science advisers themselves were deceived by IPCC.Paris attack(11/13)may be terror against genuine climate activists in COP21.

They might have been manipulated someone who hate climate fact.

Ban on Climate March in Paris by French police might be political suppression ! ,

or security service for foreign participants?.

By anyhow,we must not be silenced,but more pursue climate fact toward global propaganda !!!.

Effective Climate Mending is outrageous,however coming climate hell by nothing mending is far more outrageous.

There still be salvation possibility.

*11/23:Appendix1,2,3,are added.

E27(2015/11/06,11,2016/10/31):Q&A_Die or Do_Mending the Deadly Climate_the Problem-Solution-Reaction.

Th is is Q&A for E26. What you wish to inquire and know is discussed here !!.

Climate scientists are doctor for curing the deadly climate,however now they are wrong not confessing the facts.

Thereby ,at first,we must emergently mend wrong doctors to make them righteous diagonosis on the deadly climate causing our extinction possibility.

Also a method for Planed Economics toward Climate Wartime Regime is discussed.

*2015/11/11:APPENDIX is added.

*2016/10/31:APPENDIX_4,5,6 are added.

E26(2015/10/26,27,31;2016/8/3):Die or Do_Mending the Deadly Climate_the Problem-Solution-Reaction.

2Ž rise treatment(COP16) is deadly lie,and IPCC has been hiding emergent Arctic Methane Risk.

Non carbon energy technology for 80%CO2 cut and emergent Arctic Cooling Technology must be accomplished.

The reaction is emergent Conversion from Business as usual to Freeness for ever.

The Reaction is new Economics toward peoples Life Assurance toward Climate Wartime Regime.

The whole view is showed at here,and you must find and do your task toward emergent global solidarity making.

*The more explanations are here:

*correction(8/3):The energy of global 0.1Ž rise is about hurricanes 400units/year.@400units.

E25(2015/10/20,21):Anticipating on Coming World.

Our task is specifying trouble portions and determining the optimized mending method.

Thereby the 1st declaring inconvenient facts is decisive.This report is rather a methodlogy.

Full future design with R&D for climate war time regime must be emergently done by massive cooperations.

*10/21:The Prophet at now world Jucelino Nóbrega da Luz warns deadly climate crisis.

E24(2015/10/11;12):You could notice deadly climate lie by yourself !!.

Could you "feel" that climate in 5 years before was rather calm,

while that of recent 5 years have frequently become wild and

climate record breakings in the world ?!!!.


Unless possible salvation methods,author is deadly wrong causing you unnecessary uneasy at now.

E23(2015/09/20):Arctic Cooling by spreading sea water to make cloud in order to cut insolation .

Petition to research institutes for emergent establishing the technology !!!

Cloud generating acts insolation input reduction(albedo effect),which is decisive factor for global heat budget balance.

Cloud generating is determined by aerosol density which becomes cloud condensation nuclei(CCN)

in conditions of {temperature,pressure,humidity and wind velocity}.Hereupon here emerged a proposal method to intercept

global warming by spreading sea water to make cloud to insolation cut .Especially this method could be applicable to Arctic Cooling.

Arctic ice retreat had already become positive feedback: ice retreat→insolation reflection down→sea water temperature rise→ice retreat.

The ice lid would be vanished in summer within few years from 2015.Therefore spontaneous ice sheet recovering will never be by anymore.

Thus Arctic Cooling geo-engineering become a decisive game allowed nothing defeating.

Author is almost ignorant on cloud engineering,so he opted sea water spreading method.

The reason is sea water is free and salt is no hazardous to health and environment.


E21(2015/06/25):You socialists are lip atheists,but theists in your deeds.

Those who wish and act toward peoples co-live with equality are theists being accord the Bible teach.

Now is the unprecedented emergent necessary time for accomplishing global solidarity with a truth.

E20(2015/06/23):we have already gotten technical tools to avoid climate hell,however someone has been intercepting !!

Climate Hell could be avoidable by global solidarity with a common truth(1)(2)(3).

In fact,we have already gotten technical tools to intercept climate hell,

however the political implementation have been intercepting due to those who has been in fear for climate revolution !!!.

E19(2015/06/19):Pope Francis’s call to action on climate change.

Encyclical Letter Laudato si' on care for our common home

Pope Francis’s call to action on climate change.

Following are quick extractions by authors opinion<2015/6/19>.

Though it do not name names,however it is evident that the former IPCC with the Business+Political Society are accused.

E18(2015/06/03):You never could be saved by IPCC’s temperature projection,but toward Hell.

Do you know the deadly reality of IPCC projection on global temperature which will not once again return to safety level temperature of about at now< APPENDIX-1&2>.

That is,so long as you would be following the miserable IPCC threatened strongly by EXXON-MOBIL the imperial Rockefeller,

you would have been toward climate hell world with nothing salvation !!!

Time for salvation is imminent,so COP21 Paris never neglect this deadly problem !!!,

E17(2014/12/25):Synthesizing Economics toward Global Climate War Time Regime.

This is emergent petition to global economists toward synthesize Economics toward Global Climate War Time Regime.

If you carefully surveyed the situation at now,the onclusion never fail either global extinction or global revolution !!.

Also why such extremely emergent big problem has been hiding is explained.

E16(2014/12/05):Entirely negating matters visible,but research who has been ruling this world deep behind your eye.....Faust.

Now world has been ruling entirely by outrageous massive deceptions(the 9/11 own playing terror,false flag wars in Middle East,Ukraine,racial disputes,..).

You never forget most important matters deep behind your eye by operating to face such many risks before your eyes


Certainly the problem is outrageous ,however coming climate hell is far more outrageous.

People could do their best ,if once they could have known the realties.

E15(2014/9/25):No advising on Arctic Methane Emergency to Obama by American Science Society

and DOE(Department of Energy)would substantially make him death penalty executer president on mankind.

Recent Obama government had turned to lie announcing one on such IS(the Islam state)etc and the climate crisis.

The former are false flag wars conspired NAZIS usa with the most violence power in order to hide the climate crisis.

After the 9/11,NAZIS usa has been war against Islam nations and with Judaism one.

The latter are strong theist nation people of martyrdom,while the NAZIS usa is atheist against {justice,truth,philanthropy}.

American themselves had known well own Satanism,which is a cause of their suicide with massive other nation people.

E14(2014/9/20):From Deadly Stupid World to All Going Together World.

The upside down world not noticing Arctic Crisis,but fighting false flag wars and false economy

We can understand it,however we can not do it.

Then answer may be all going together at once !!!.

Thereby,at first, we must establish something all we can get confidence and consensus.

E13(2014/9/19):Welcome 9_21 NYC Climate March!!!.Then what would they call for ???.

Big demonstration toward world would be effective to awaken global people as for

the emergent climate crisis.Then what would they call for ???.

Those must be simple?,

but sufficiently exact and effective as emergent global operation toward global salvation..

Emergent Arctic Cooling Engineering.

Emergent more than 80%CO2 cut.

Life assurance strategy for people.

E12(2014/9/15):Big Conspiracy of Nothing Substantial Climate Countermeasure

In 2014,increasing climate disasters has become more evident for everyone !!!!!

While the silence on climate has been going on without emergent global countermeasure.

Climate silence by society of science ,media-journal,public sector,and political would be betrayal.

Certainly climate countermeasure would become effective only by starting actual global implementation,

Then the world has been silent,therefore,so do I. It is this logic that cause you hell.

And that cause you conscious or unconscious cooperator of operation EndGame conspired by the Global Elite.

E11(2014/9/01):Oil & Military the Deathperate Industry has been causing the world desperate.

Now the world unconsciously has been toward suicide ruled by the desperate.

Global journalism has been entirely debating on the pervasive disputes in Ukraine and Middle East nations in their top articles.

Those are certainly troubles calling for must do emergent relief.Now author try to reveal nutshell of coming inevitable essential problem for human surviving.

Its oil & military the desperate industrywho has been causing our extinction.

It is their being-itself that has been causing our extinction,which is nothing, but absolute desperate for them.

Only by their suicide,but without accompanying others could enable our surviving.While,in fact,they could not do it.@

E10(2014/8/20):Opting big hell for everyone in long term for evading elite’s small hell at now.

American and Russian are on a small boat called earth which now has begun to erupt dangerous gas flamable .

While they begin quarrel with neglecting coming big fire.

Horrific Methane Eruptions in East Siberian Sea.  2014/8/13,

Now global leaders must emergently make honest and effective decision for policy on deadly climate,

or they might become separated to enemy and friend to play false flag wars in the operation End-Game toward Global Together Suicide.

E9(2014/7/29):All is covering up the most inconvenient crisis by spreading gun smoke at anywhere

By anyhow,establish emergent military truce by knowing big and deep deception.

E8(2014/7/10):The Ensemble Synchronized Paralyzing.

As for certain group of people,there is decisive something which they has entirely been believing that can never be allowed to happen.

However such terribly unfavorable something could really happen in this world.

Then once people encountered visualized the reality,they would have become terribly blanked out to be paralyzed in their ensemble reaction.

E7(2014/7/02):letter2-Please confirm the fatal facts(on the climate)and make plan for global co-operaton to act

Also “the Most Barrier” for accomplishing “Global Massive Agreement” is analyzed here.

E6(2014/6/25):Please confirm the fatal facts(on the climate)and make plan for global co-operation to act. 

Following report could be confirmed by yourself with your reliable friends who are good at science(physics,

mathematics).This is the utmost inconvenient,but fact which could destine your future,hell world toward mass extinction ,or not !!!.


People must accept the decisive reality that now era is nothing,but climate war time,which conclude all people must be soldiers against climate collapse.

Unless the operation,we would encounter climate hell world which is far more outrageously cruel world than anything else.

Imagine the world without foods,water,and home in extremely climate disastrous world.

Now none(but few) will imagine the utmost inconvenient facts by the strongest delusion due to no information on the decisive fatal facts 

and due to global massive and synchronous ensemble paralyzing in the unprecedent pleasure modern life by massive oil consumption civilization..

So your task is confirm the facts and make plan toward global co-operation to act !!!.

E5(2014/6/21):There is a possibility of the salvation.,however,nothing scientists declaration on deadly climate facts has been intercepting.

In the climate scientist world,there has substantially been a desperate ruling by silent.

That is,no possibility of salvation on the climate collapse.In fact,there had been tremendous debates on climate change,

but nothing substantial effective implementations against climate collapse in the world at now.The now world has substantially been entirely business as usual. 

However,due to recent authors research,the fact is revealed upside down..

First of all,diagnosis on the climate by the IPCC has many fatal failures.

And also salvation technology such as Arctic Cooling and Less Carbon Energy Life is highly possible.

Those evidences would be confirmed following webpages.

E4(2014/6/6):How to break the trap and reconstruct old good regime ??!!.

China,Korea,Japan at now might be abandoned nations by God and are destined toward own extinction ??!!

Some stupid betrayals both in China and Japan has been being manipulated to cause own destruction.

Those who follow heavenly will do politics by righteous,

 while who against heavley will do politics by forcing..........Mozi<ancient Chinese Philosopher and Strategist>


Supreme prophecy by messengers are the same in any nations,which indicates realizability of global solidarity.

E3(2014/6/3,12/25):This is the most emergent problem to live or not to live.

Once again,substantial climate debates had already been determined.The details could be seen here again.

In Appendix_1,Why could not American accomplish recognition on the deadly fact ??!!.

It’s entirely due to monopolic capitalism ruling<the American taboo> !!!”.

The most hated aspect of leader at now by massive general people is 

keeping good appearances only without facing inconvenient ugly,outrageous facts of the powers.

It’s nothing,but now and them when and who can reveal the facts !!!. Trust white people !!

E2(2014/5/30,6/3,2015/10/21):How to sale the Climate Policy hated by All??!What have they been wishingH

Substantial climate conclusion had already been determined,so that our tasks are as follows.

To tell from origin,none would buy hell,but heaven. At least,anti-hell goods.'coming+climate+hell+world'

So that this is strong recommendation for you to research and develop stronger tools against coming climate wars.

Above all,effective policy design and the implementation would be decisive.

Frankly to tell,authors policy design etc are sometimes very poor and rough,and even might be errors due to lack of his ability.

So that you should take those are not solutions,but problem presentation which should be solved neatly and exactly by you of all.

It is impossible to be consitent with simuletaneously being expert and generalist in a time.So this is request your help to join the R&D.

However,at least as for the foundations in logic,climate science,energy engineering, economics analysis,etc,

author has been trying to accomplish those exactness ,so sometimes is to reveal incompleteness of established science.

E1(2014/5/29):the upside down WEST propaganda world.

Maybe the Boko Haram and CIA have been secretly connecting,which means USA could liberate the girls.

Now author has no certain information about the fact.but few.

In this report, he try to reveal some important aspect of Islamism and Chiristianism.

The kenel of the Religion may be summarized as follows.

In order to accomplish decent orderd society,massive agreement of people is decisive,

which is nothing but Religion the belife on God(justice,truth,and love).

This is entirely a logic,the negation may be as follows.

If a society has internal difficult disputes,there are something wrong in believer's decisive solidarity

(betrayals).Also in author's observation ,a society without the belief becomes lawless

(dividened selfish one toward catastrophe)one obsessed and ruled by strong illusions due to Satan.